Need an emcee – Look no further than Sandra Whiting.
Sandra Whiting has the poise, the stage presence, the grace, the personality and the flexibility that suits every hosting need. She thinks quickly on her feet, she is unflappable under pressure, keeps as many balls in the air as are thrown at her and handles the unexpected with calm and confidence.
Sandra has that special ability to enchant an audience and gracefully command its attention, especially when the best-planned shows insist on going awry.
These attributes of the classic emcee were bred in Sandra’s bones. They were then honed and perfected by her many years in the boardrooms of business and culture, where competing demands must be satisfied, and where order and process are paramount, and ruffled feathers must be soothed.
Sandra captures her method in these two sentences: “The many years wearing many hats have taught me how to set the right tone for the event, manage time while maintaining a positive vibe, and create an environment in which the guests feel welcomed. I like to make each individual feel she is the one for whom the event was staged.”
She sets the tone for the performances, determines the energy level, and creates the kind of excitement that will make your event succeed.
Sandra Whiting is your emcee.